Bring your baby to our drop-in playgroup which immediately follows our Born to Read program. Stay for bubbles, conversation with other caregivers, and social tummy time.
Join our moderator, Carole Shmurak, for an interesting and lively discussion of the mystery book The Mirror and the Mask by Ellen Hart. All are welcome to attend.
Adventurers, can you survive the Liching Hour? Find out by registering for this creepy Halloween one-shot. This is a D&D 5e ruleset for Level 5 characters. Please create your character BEFORE the event so we can jump right in.
Children can sign up to read to our service dog, Rambler, in a small group. Participants may bring their own book or choose from titles the library has provided and will take turns reading to this sweet pup.
Children can sign up to read to our service dog, Rambler, in a small group. Participants may bring their own book or choose from titles the library has provided and will take turns reading to this sweet pup.