Marie Lim and her guitar present a fun-filled music and movement program. Come sing songs, make music, and move to the beat!
Took Spanish in high school and want to refresh your language skills? Our lively group meets weekly to speak Spanish and discuss various language customs. New members are always welcome.
Virtual - Do You Have What it Takes to Run a Business? Step-by-Step Self-Assessment Workshop
Do you have the skills, perseverance, and resilience required to be a business owner?
Taverns in early Connecticut were more than just a place to drink. Travelers and locals alike saw taverns as a place to be entertained, spread news and gossip, have a good meal, and get a night’s lodging.
Sign for Teen Game Club today! Each week we will highlight a different, fun game.
This is a two-part series on Wednesday, Oct. 12 & 19. We will be sewing a felt pizza slice (with toppings and stuffing) by hand. Children must plan to attend BOTH sessions.